1-712-432-8733 (Same Phone Number - Different Access Codes as below)

All in Eastern Time


Information on WSO Members Additional Resources and Guidelines



6am and 6pm Meetings - Unity6 (864896#)

2pm Meetings - Unity2 (864892#)

4pm Meetings - Unity4 (864894#)

8am and 8pm Meetings - Unity8 (864898#)

9am Meetings - Unity9 (864899#)

10am and 10pm Meetings - Unity10 (8648910#)

11am Meetings - Unity11 (8648911#)

12noon and 12 midnight Meetings - Unity12 (8648912#)


Emergency Back up number:(425) 436-6200 access code 335289.

This is an emergency back up in case the Unity bridge has technical issues.


The recording phone number of the Unity Meetings Schedule

712-432-8733 Access Code UNITY411#

Back up schedule in case the conference is out of service 425-436-6202

Access Code: 335289# Reference Number 1#


If when you call in you hear the announcement "This conference is locked" please hang up, wait about 10 minutes and call back in. Occasionally the conference gets locked by mistake, and sometimes it's locked to address a disturbance. Thank you and "Keep Coming (Calling) Back"






*******Please send any new agenda items 1 week before the All Forum Meeting at phonemeetingsforum@yahoo.com

Members desiring to be of service as Secretaries/Chair or have served beyond the group level in face to face or on phone meetings with computer abilities to serve as a monitor please email phonemeetingsforum@yahoo.com

All Forum Meeting January 11 voted to remove all the technical information at the top of the format and replace it with a link to the same information. It also voted that the Meeting Information at the bottom of the page would be replaced with a paragraph on all formats with all information related to phonemeetings.org including al-anon and other related numbers.

Please Announce - The new recording phone number of the Unity Meeting Schedule is on 712-432-8733 access code UNITY411 (86489411) It will bring you to the regular keypad asking for a moderator code. Wait a few seconds and the recording will begin.

NEW EMAIL- phonemeetingsforum@yahoo.com for members to address concerns and ideas about the bridge.

Access Code: 52639# is no longer available effective Dec. 1st. See the above new access codes.

Formats: The "Technical Information" from "Your Web Coordinator" are not required on the formats. (Each autonomous meeting can vote to keep it on the format or have it removed- there is a copy of it on the "Schedules and Download" page.

New Monitor contact email: phonemonitorteam@yahoo.com email. See Contact Page page for all other emails.

What we know: This website and all formats will remain on this site during this transition. Each autonomous meeting can submit a new registration form to add the new access code or whatever changes voted on, (For example as a suggestion only; new name of meeting, CMA, GRs, etc) (click here)


Additional Meeting-Sunday 8pm, Parents Meeting -712-432-8710 Access Code 1111

Difficulties Dialing in with certain cell carriers- Please follow the attached guidelines.


Open Service Positions

See Service Positions for description of positions.

Checking and responding to the phonemonitorteam@yahoo.com email.

Treasurer Service Position- Member with accounting background needed to do service as treasurer. If prompted by your Higher Power please email phonemeetingsweb@yahoo.com.

Web Coordinator for the website and email. (ckick here for position info)

Minute Taker/Secretary for the Business Meetings for the entire phone bridge.


Having technical difficulties dialing in? If you would like this issue to be looked into please email phonemeetingsweb@yahoo.com with the below information. This information will be kept confidential.

- your calling phone number

- the date of your call

- the EXACT time you called in (example 9:56 pm EST)

- and the EXACT message heard.





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