Web Coordinator Duties
Knowledgeable website designing, digital imaging, word processing, file transfer protocol, programming, optimization abilities and software.
Software needed;
Photoshop Elements
MS Office Suite minimum of 2010
Filezilla file transfer protocol
Has held a position beyond the group level in Al-Anon service and on the 52639# phone bridge keeping informed of procedures.
Regular participation in this individual phone bridge meetings (1year).
Understands and agrees to respects and protect the anonymity and confidentially of individual members.
Comprehends Al-Anon’s principles including copyright material and follows guidelines on what is to be published on the website.
Maintains the website including frequent checking of its functionality.
Understands the confidentiality of the below email for Al-Anon members only
Checks primary email phonemeetingsweb@yahoo.com a minimum of once a week.
-Notifies and forwards emails to members holding a service position that apply to them that come through the above email.
-Informs committee of issues concerning the entire phone bridge.
-Corresponds with secretaries/chair and members in response to inquiries and requests including leader code.
-Assists members in creating new format and workshops.
-Assists members in registration forms to submit to WSO
-Stores all Group Conscious and Committee minutes and important emails.
Updates and uploads formats, workshops, marathons and other files monthly or as scheduled.
Updates monthly calendars, announcements, expenses & contributions, The FORUM stories, and meetings schedules and other monthly documents.
Notifies the Security Monitor by email of technical difficulties on the bridge that involve contacting NoCostConference or requests by autonomous meetings to be monitored.
Prints and mails requests for printed formats for members without internet access. (This is infrequent and can be delegated to someone else.)
Provides monthly report for GCM
Back up to Treasurer in case of emergency.
phonemeetings.org is designed in the software called Dreamweaver and uses files transfer protocol (ftp). The pages of the website are designed in hidden tables and is not a template. This gives the designer more freedom to create the website to be user friendly.
The “Site” is what is called “Managed” or programmed in Dreamweaver so that when any changes are made on any of the pages it will automatically publish it on the worldwide web when it is saved. (This does not include the files, attachments or graphics pictures)
The website is also optimized, meaning that when a member wants to find out about The Al-Anon Phone Meetings they can go to any search engine like Google and type in Al-Anon Phone Meetings and it usually shows up first in the electronic library.
When a file is to be viewed on the website, for example an updated format, there is what is called and ftp or file transfer protocol process.
After all of the changes are made there is a software ftp program called Filezilla used to upload the files and then they are linked in the web design program Dreamweaver.
What is nice about this process is if a file is already linked in Dreamweaver (the smiley faces for the format is an example of a link, when you click on it the format opens up)
all that needs to be done is drag and drop the updated formats or file into Filezilla and it automatically updates it on the web.
When formats are updated they are saved in 4 file formats;
MS Word docx, MS Word 97, Acrobat PDF and html (which allows the files to be opened up like a regular web page) The formats when you click on the smiley face icon is an example of a html file format.
The headers, icons, footers, tabs and any graphics are designed in Adobe Photoshop.
This is all common knowledge to a web designer.
Visual Process of http://www.phonemeetings.org
All files and its contents are segregated into its designated folders.
The website html pages remain separate as seen below. The files are located on my desktop, imported into the web design program Dreamweaver, stored in FileZilla and a copy is also stored in an external hard drive.
Here is an example of the folders of the website and other places as mentioned.
Here is an example of all the html meetings linked to the happy faces on the index or front page of the website.
Once a formats, workshops, image or document is created and saved in the website folders on the desktop, it goes through a process to be published on the worldwide web.
An Example of the New Saturday 6pm Meeting is saved in 4 file types.
The first 3 are loaded into FileZilla in the Saturday folder as shown above.
Word 97 Word docx pdf
The 4th file is loaded in the ” Meetings” folder also in FileZilla.
htm/html file sat6pm.htm
This shows up on the” Home” page so members can access a format
quickly by clicking on the Happy Face Icon on the website.
[NOTE: Once a new file has gone through this entire process it only takes two steps to be updated. The file gets changed on the desktop folder. Then it gets dragged and dropped into Filezilla in its right folder and it updates everything associated with that file automatically.]
The Final Step
Once everything is loaded into FileZilla the web designer opens up the software called Dreamweaver.
They then copy to the Happy Face Icon into its right space and link the sat6pm.htm file.
The “Site Manger” is programmed that once the file is saved it
automatically publishes and uploads it on the worldwide
web immediately.
Any of the text on each website page is typed directly in the software program Dreamweaver and again when saved is automatically published immediately on the web.