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Al-Anon’s Sunday 2pm Concept Twelve Revisited
Welcome to the Sunday 2pm Concept Twelve Revisited meeting. Hi, my name is ____________________, a thankful Al-Anon member and your Chair for this meeting. Our meeting lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Closing begins 12 minutes after the hour. We read and share on Concept Twelve from Paths to Recovery.
1. Phone Etiquette:
a. We ask members to use the *1 keys to mute, even if they have a mute function on their phones. The *1 keys ensure the greatest sound strength for the entire phone line, providing the greatest service to all members of the phone bridge during the meeting.
b. Please do not use a speakerphone for sharing, or we will all hear an echo. Some speakerphones will not mute even when pressing your *1 keys.
c. To hear a menu of all the features--such as volume control or member count--simply press * by itself.
2. Let’s open with a moment of silence for those family members still suffering inside and outside of these rooms, followed by the Serenity Prayer.
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
(Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual p. 11)
3. WELCOME: Chair reads Suggested Al-Anon Welcome (p. 8 in How Al-Anon Works or Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual pp. 11-12.)
4. READINGS - Ask for Volunteers for the:
a) PREAMBLE to the Twelve Steps (front of all three Meditation Books or Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual p.13 )
b) THE TWELVE STEPS (Back of all three Meditation Books or Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual pp.14-15)
c) THE TRADITION AND CONCEPT OF THE MONTH (Back of three Meditation Books. In December: Concept Twelve includes the five General Warranties.)
a. 7th Tradition: Al-Anon is fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. We ask that you send your contributions to WSO and state that it is from our Sunday 2pm Concept Twelve Revisited meeting, WSO ID# 30731556, or make donations at your face-to-face meetings.
there any newcomers here today? Please press your *1 keys to unmute and state
your name so we may greet you…We
reserve the last twelve minutes of the meeting especially for newcomers
to share or for members who normally are quiet so that everyone on the phone
bridge has an opportunity to share.
c. Sponsorship is a valuable tool in Al-Anon. Before selecting a sponsor, we suggest reading Al-Anon’s conference approved literature on Sponsorship and Service Sponsorship.
often stay on the line for sharing after the meeting ends and are willing to
answer questions about Al-Anon and phone bridge etiquette. If you are new, feel
free to stay and ask questions then.
there any Al-Anon related announcements?
business meeting is held on the 1st Sunday of the month and will conclude by
4pm Eastern time.
g. We kindly request that members ask the Chair to address any background noise or other circumstances during the meeting, for the purposes of having a clear line.
6. INTRODUCTIONS: Let’s go around the globe and introduce ourselves.
Hi, I am ___________(Name)_________ from (_______State___)
7. MEETING TOPIC: We explore Concept Twelve in its entirety from Paths to Recovery. Paths to Recovery can be purchased at your face-to-face meetings, literature depot or online at We now need volunteers to read as follows:
Week 1: Concept Twelve reading, pp. 324-328
Week 2: Concept Twelve and the General Warranties, p.335 (above the
questions) and "Members Share Experience, Strength and Hope: It Is Also
Our Responsibility", p.329-330
Week 3: Concept Twelve and the General Warranties, p.335 (above the
questions) and "Members Share Experience, Strength and Hope: I Am Able to
Live It", pp. 331-334
Week 4: Concept Twelve and the General Warranties, p.335 (above the
questions) and "Members Share Experience, Strength and Hope: We Wanted to
Demand", p.334
Week 5: We have a Speaker speak for 10-15 minutes on Concept Twelve and the five General Warranties. Our Speaker Seeker is _________. Would our Speaker Seeker like to introduce our Speaker today...?
Chairperson times the Speaker. Ask how the Speaker would like to be timed. Speaker shares...
Read: Following the Speaker lead, we now have a Q + A period of 15 minutes total where members may ask the speaker for experience, strength and hope regarding applying Concept Twelve and the General Warranties in Service and/or in their lives. We ask members to be as brief as possible in posing your questions, there will be time for open sharing after the Q + A. The speaker will have up to three timed minutes to respond to each question. The Chairperson will time this 15 minute Q + A portion of the meeting and the 3 minute Speaker answers.
(After 15 minute Q + A): Thank you to our Speaker__________________ for sharing your experience, strength and hope with us today! Would the speaker like to leave their contact information for members for outreach after the meeting?
The meeting is now open for sharing...(Proceed to 8. ANONYMITY STATEMENT: etc.. in the format)
8. ANONYMITY STATEMENT: In Al-Anon, this is a gentle reminder that we speak from our own experience and ours is derived from living with the effects of alcoholism. Members are reminded to maintain their focus on our Al-Anon Steps, Traditions and Concepts of Service. We are asked to keep our other affiliations outside of the meeting. Outside issues are our religions, our professions, other publications, philosophies and Twelve Step programs.
9. SHARING: By group conscience, we have 4 minute shares at this meeting. This allows members to read other conference approved literature on the topic including the questions at the end of the chapter, if they choose. When the spiritual timekeeper says time it means please wrap-up your share. Also, when the spiritual time keeper says time, please acknowledge that you heard them, by saying maybe “thank you, I’ll just wrap up”. This way the timekeeper doesn’t have to repeat themselves. Who would like to be our spiritual timekeeper? Would our spiritual timekeeper like to share first...?
3:00 NEWCOMER SHARING: Do we have any newcomers or those who don’t share often at this meeting who wish to share at this time?
10. 3:12 PM - CLOSING: Chairperson or a volunteer, reads from the pamphlet, (P-57)The Concepts Al-Anon's Best-Kept Secret? p28 the last three full paragraphs on Concept Twelve.
We will now say the “Al-Anon Declaration” (Paths to Recovery Roman Numeral page IX or Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual p.20)
Followed by the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
(Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual p.11)
11. CONTACT INFORMATION: Would anyone like to have contact information from another member or leave their information for outreach?
a. Information on all registered meetings can be found on Al-Anon’s website: or by calling our World Service Office (WSO) at (757) 563-1600. For face-to-face meetings call WSO’s automated phone number: 888-4AL-ANON (888-425-2666).
b. Meeting schedules and formats for this phone line can be found at If the line goes down, the backup number is (425) 436-6200 PIN: 335289#. Press*6 to mute and unmute. For members without web access, meeting schedule information for this line can be found at (712) 432-8733 PIN: UNITY411#. The backup number for the meeting schedule information is (425) 436-6202, PIN: 335289#, Reference Number: 1#.
c. Format changes and website postings can be emailed to General questions can be sent to For inquiries regarding leader codes, dashboard monitors and technical issues with the phone line, email For workshop ideas, suggestions and concerns, email
d. Would anyone like to announce any other Al-Anon phone meetings?
Chair turns the meeting over to newcomer greeter after the meeting closes.
1. Let’s open with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to Accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.
As a reminder of our group purpose, Tradition Two states “Our leaders are but trusted servants, they do not govern” and Tradition One says, “Our common welfare should come first; personal progress for the greatest number depends upon unity”. By group conscience, we use Knowledge Based Decision Making (KBDM). KBDM was first adopted in 2006 by our World Service Office (WSO). KBDM is more consistent with our program's principles than Robert’s Rules as it promotes dialogue over debate.
Groups are encouraged to use it to aid in their decision-making
process. Practicing KBDM involves becoming familiar with the 4 KBDM Questions
and the “Framing The Topic” documents. Both documents can be found at under the “Schedules and Downloads” tab.
Also, by group conscience, our business meeting lasts until the top of the hour
(4pm Eastern), unless otherwise voted on.
Who can be the timekeeper for today’s business meeting? Who
can take notes for today’s business meeting?
Now we have any
updates regarding service rotation for our meeting about how much time is
remaining in each commitment. Are there any updates from our Chair or
Co-Chairs? Group Representative? Alternate Group Representative? Current
Mailing Address (CMA)? Speaker Seeker? Business Meeting Notes
Secretary?...Thank you for your service and updates!
Mention any open positions…
Currently, our open
positions are....Does anyone with experience doing any of these positions want
to share about that with the group? Who would like to serve our group by being
the…Chair/Co-Chair…Group Rep…CMA…etc…?)
3a. May we have our
Business Meeting Notes Secretary read the notes from last month’s meeting? If
no Secretary, please ask if any member recalls any old business for the group.
Thank you!
3b. We now open up the floor for discussion on our old business items. The
first item of business is….
To help facilitate our discussion, we refer to the Four KBDM Questions.
Again, they can be found at under the “Schedules and Downloads”
tab as well as in this business meeting format. In discussing each item of
business, members can refer to any and all of these questions to help facilitate
their sharing. Also, if a member states something you were going to say, please
refrain from repeating it. In the KBDM discussion we seek to gather the widest
array of responses, rather than to hear the greatest number of people who share
a point of view. When we are ready to vote, we will ask at that time how many
agree, disagree or abstain from voting on a certain topic.
(If no old business, go to 4. NEW BUSINESS.)
Four KBDM Questions
The answers to the
questions below can provide a basis for discussion. They provide common
information so everyone can be on the same page. Gather information regarding
these questions. Everyone can add to them.
Q1. What do we know about our members’ (and prospective members’) needs, wants
and preferences that relate to this issue? (How important is it? Is it
what our current members want? How will it affect newcomers? What purpose would
this serve? Is it necessary? Is it helpful?) What do we wish we knew, but
don’t? Might our decision have unintended consequences? We might need to do
some additional work or research to help us make a sound decision.)
Q2. What do we know about the resources and our vision for Al-Anon and our
meetings that are relevant to this issue? (What are our resources? Can
we afford it? Do we have enough volunteers to make it happen? Do we have any
background information in our archives that can help us answer this question?)
What do we wish we knew, but don’t?
Q3. What do we know about our “culture” and “environment” that is relevant to
this discussion? In other words--Will our decision be consistent with our
principles, policies, and legacies: The Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts?
What are the implications of our choices? What are the pros and cons? (How
would this affect our meeting? How would this affect our fellowship? Newcomers?
Al-Anon (and A.A.) as a whole? Does our Service Manual provide any guidance
about this issue? Pros/Cons: The advantages of this change might be? The
disadvantages might be?) What do we wish we knew, but don’t?
Q4. What are the ethical implications of our choices? Would we be practicing
our “principles in all our affairs”? (Is our decision legal? Will our
decision help us fulfill our primary purpose? If we decide to take an action,
will it be the “right” thing to do?) What do we wish we knew, but don’t?
3d. So, to
summarize, so far I’ve heard one member mention _____________, another
shared _____________________, another member felt__________ etc….
3e. Any further discussion on this item? More discussion…(If not, then go to 14.)
3f. To summarize again, I’ve heard one
member mention _____________, another shared _____________________,
another member felt__________ etc….
3g. Before making a decision or offering
a motion, ask: Has
everyone asked all the questions needed for clarity? Have all opinions,
including the minority opinions, been heard? Does everyone feel they thoroughly
understand the topic? Does everyone feel that an informed group conscience has
taken place? Does everyone feel like we’re ready to vote? [If so, proceed to
3h.] If not, we may need more information, discussion, research, or
deliberation or choose to keep the Status Quo and leave things as is.
3h. If so, ok we’ll proceed with a vote. The item we’re voting on is ____________. We’ll begin with the yays, then move to the nays and then abstentions.
3i. All in favor say “I one” and then “I two” and so on.
3j. Any opposed? Say “nay one” and so on.
3k. Any abstentions? Say “abstain one” and so on.
3l. The result of the vote is __# in favor, #____opposed and #_____abstentions.
After our best efforts to answer these questions, and through listening with open minds and hearts, we trust in each other and our Higher Power, and make a decision. Once a decision is made, the entire group supports the decision.
4a. Is there a topic for new business that anyone in the group wants to bring up?
4b. (If so) So our first order of business is ___________.
4c. We open up the floor for discussion on this item. Again, to help facilitate discussion on this, we refer to the Four KBDM Questions which can be found at under the “Schedules and Downloads” tab.
If a member states something you were going to say, please
refrain from repeating it. In the KBDM discussion we seek to gather the widest
array of responses, rather than to hear the greatest number of people who share
a particular point of view. When we are ready to vote, we will ask at that time
how many agree, disagree or abstain from voting on a certain topic.
Four KBDM Questions
The answers to the
questions below can provide a basis for discussion. They provide common
information so everyone can be on the same page. Gather information regarding
these questions. Everyone can add to them.
Q1. What do we know about our members’ (and prospective members’) needs,
wants and preferences that relate to this issue? (How important is it? Is it
what our current members want? How will it affect newcomers? What purpose would
this serve? Is it necessary? Is it helpful?) What do we wish we knew, but
don’t? Might our decision have unintended consequences? We might need to do
some additional work or research to help us make a sound decision.)
Q2. What do we know about the resources and our vision for Al-Anon and our
meetings that are relevant to this issue? (What are our resources? Can we
afford it? Do we have enough volunteers to make it happen? Do we have any
background information in our archives that can help us answer this question?)
What do we wish we knew, but don’t?
Q3. What do we know about our “culture” and “environment” that is relevant
to this discussion? In other words--Will our decision be consistent with our
principles, policies, and legacies: The Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts?
What are the implications of our choices? What are the pros and cons? (How
would this affect our meeting? How would this affect our fellowship? Newcomers?
Al-Anon (and A.A.) as a whole? Does our Service Manual provide any guidance
about this issue? Pros/Cons: The advantages of this change might be? The
disadvantages might be?) What do we wish we knew, but don’t?
Q4. What are the ethical implications of our choices? Would we be
practicing our “principles in all our affairs”? (Is our decision legal? Will
our decision help us fulfill our primary purpose? If we decide to take an
action, will it be the “right” thing to do?) What do we wish we knew, but
4c. To summarize, so far I’ve heard one member mention _____________, another shared _____________________, another member felt__________ etc….
4d. Any further discussion on this item? More discussion…(If not, then go to 4f.)
4e. To summarize
again, I’ve heard one member mention _____________, another shared
_____________________, another member felt__________ etc….
4f. Before making a decision or offering a motion, ask: Has everyone asked all the questions needed for clarity? Have all opinions, including the minority opinions, been heard? Does everyone feel they thoroughly understand the topic? Does everyone feel that an informed group conscience has taken place? Does everyone feel like we’re ready to vote? [If so, proceed to 4g.] If not, we may need more information, discussion, research, or deliberation or choose to keep the Status Quo and leave things as is.
4g. If so, ok we’ll proceed with the vote. The item we’re voting on is ____________. We’ll begin with the yays, then move to the nays and then abstentions.
4h. All in favor say “I one” and then “I two” and so on.
4i. Any opposed? Say “nay one” and so on.
4j. Any abstentions? Say “abstain one” and so on.
4k. The result of the vote is __# in favor, #____opposed and #_____abstentions.
After our best efforts to answer these questions, and through listening with open minds and hearts, we trust in each other and our Higher Power, and make a decision. Once a decision is made, the entire group supports the decision.
5. Is there anything a member would like to add before closing?
6. Let’s close by joining together in saying the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to Accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.