Sunday 8pm - Technical Information
There is helpful information for chairing meetings at:
Sunday Working the Steps and Traditions Using How Al-Anon Works Meeting
Note to Chair: Scroll down to the end of the format for Calendar.
Welcome to the Sunday Night 8pm Working the Steps and Traditions Using How Al-Anon Works Meeting
This meeting lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Hi, my name is _______, a grateful Al-Anon member and chair for this meeting.
Please press *1 to unmute and recite the Serenity Prayer with me (which can be found on p. 80 of How Al- Anon Works):
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Thank you. Please press *1 to mute again.
Chairperson reads or asks a volunteer to read:
SUGGESTED AL-ANON WELCOME: (How Al-Anon Works pg. 8)
· Prior to joining the meeting, please disable your call waiting or we may all hear your beeping or conversation
· You will start the conference being muted
· Please Stay muted unless you are sharing by pressing * 1 on your phone
· Please do not use the mute function on your phone ---- the *1 key ensures the greatest sound strength for the entire phone line.
· Do not use a speaker phone or we will all hear an echo.
· To hear a member count or menu of all features simply press the * by itself
We now need (3) volunteers to read the following:
a) Al-Anon's 12 steps:
(How Al-Anon Works pg.381 or 397 OR (In the back of all three daily meditation books)
b) Al-Anon's 12 Traditions:
(How Al-Anon Works pg.382 or 398 OR (In the back of all three daily meditation books)
c) Concept 4 and Concept 5
(How Al-Anon Works pg.383 or pg.399) OR (In the back of all three daily meditation books)
According to the 7th tradition, Al-Anon is fully self-supporting declining outside contributions. We invite you to send contributions to WSO stating it is from the Sunday Working Steps and Traditions Meetings WSO ID# 30731555 to 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway Virginia Beach, Va.23454-5617 OR you can donate electronically @ under the member/contribution page OR you can give at your face to face meeting.
a. Our business meeting takes place the 4th Sunday after the close of the meeting.
b. Are there any Al-Anon related announcements?
Do we have any Al-Anon newcomers today? Either new to Al-Anon or to this bridge? Please give us your first name so we may all greet you.
Do we have a volunteer that can stay after the meeting for approximately 10 minutes to answer newcomer questions?
We now go around the globe and introduce ourselves by first name only- and, if you want, please mention where you are from. Please press * 1 to un-mute to introduce yourselves, and then *1 again to re-mute so that we can have a clear line. (Chair starts) Hi, I’m ______(name), calling from (state).
Each week, we read a step from How Al-Anon Works. On the fourth Sunday of each month, we read the corresponding Tradition. (The calendar of readings can be found at the end of this document.) After the reading is complete, we open for sharing.
Today we're on (Step ___, or Tradition ____). In the interest of bringing as many people as possible to service, we ask that members read (2, 3, or 4) paragraphs (Chair will identify how many paragraphs) and pass. Those who don’t normally read are warmly encouraged to participate. Tonight, we’ll need (2, 3, or 4) readers (Chair determines how many readers). Can I get some volunteers? (Chair can start or go right to the first reader.)
Before sharing, we offer a gentle reminder that we speak from our Own experience. In this Al-Anon meeting, we ask that you resist the desire to comment on or respond to another person's share.
Please keep the focus on the Al-Anon program, Steps, Traditions and Concepts of Service. Let's leave other affiliations, religions, our professions, outside publications, philosophies, other Twelve Step programs outside of the Al-Anon meetings.
We have 3-minute shares; and, 10 minutes before closing, we open up the sharing especially to newcomers as well as regular members of the bridge who often don't get to share. We use this format as a way to ensure as much participation as possible. We begin to close the meeting at 12 minutes after the top of the hour.
Can we have a volunteer to be our timekeeper?
For those who have never served as a timekeeper, please note that this position requires you to let the person sharing know when three minutes have passed by saying "Time." This is a very important service. Do we have a volunteer? -----
Great. The timekeeper is invited, but not required, to go first.
SHARING BEGINS …and goes continuously until 12 minutes after the top of the hour.
It is now the top of the hour and, in accordance with principles guiding our recovery and, in particular, the 4th concept, which reminds us that participation is the key to harmony, we now invite shares from newcomers and those who do not regularly share on the phone bridge.
8. CLOSING (which begins 12 minutes after the top of the hour)
a. And now I would like to invite members to call out the names of members whose telephone numbers they would like to have. We will request those numbers now. Who would like the phone number of a fellow they heard share tonight?
b. Chairperson reads or asks a volunteer to read closing from How Al- anon works pg. 380 or pg. 396
And now, would all who care to, please press *1 to un-mute and join me in saying the Serenity Prayer (which can be found on p. 80 of How Al- Anon Works or the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual pg. 10)
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
9. Post-meeting details:
a. Information on all registered meetings can be found on Al-Anon’s website: or by calling our World Service Office (WSO) at (757) 563-1600. For face-to-face meetings call WSO’s automated phone number: 888-4AL-ANON (888-425-2666).
b. Meeting schedules and formats for this phone line can be found at If the line goes down, the backup number is (425) 436-6200 PIN: 335289#. Press*6 to mute and unmute. For members without web access, meeting schedule information for this line can be found at (712) 432-8733 PIN: UNITY411#. The backup number for the meeting schedule information is (425) 436-6202, PIN: 335289#, Reference Number: 1#.
c. Format changes and website postings can be emailed to General questions can be sent to For inquiries regarding leader codes, dashboard monitors and technical issues with the phone line, email For workshop ideas, suggestions and concerns, email
d. Would anyone like to announce any other Al-Anon phone meetings?
• There is another meeting on this line at 10pm using pin number UNITY10 (8648910)
Chair passes to the volunteer (say name) who is able/willing to serve as newcomer greeter.
Jan 5. Step 1
Jan 12 Step 2
Jan 19 Step 3
Jan26. Tradition 1
Feb 2. Step 4
Feb 9. Step 5
Feb 16. Step 6
Feb 23. Tradition 2
March 2. Step 7
March 9. Step 8
March 16. Step 9
March 23. Tradition 3
March 30. Step 10
April 6. Step 11
April 13. Step 12
April 20. Step 1
April 27. Tradition 4
May 4. Step 2
May 11. Step 3
May 18. Step 4
May 25. Tradition 5
June 1. Step 5
June 8. Step 6
June 15. Step 7
June 22. Tradition 6
June 29. Step 8
July 6. Step 9
July 13. Step 10
July 20. Step 11
July 27. Tradition 7
Aug 3. Step 12
Aug 10. Step 1
Aug 17. Step 2
Aug 24. Tradition 8
Aug 31. Step 3
Sept 7. Step 4
Sept 14. Step 5
Sept 21. Step 6
Sept 28. Tradition 9
Oct. 5. Step 7
Oct. 12. Step 8
Oct. 19. Step 9
Oct. 26. Tradition 10
Nov. 2. Step 10
Nov. 9. Step 11
Nov. 16. Step 12
Nov. 23. Tradition 11
Nov. 30. Step 1
Dec 7. Step 2
Dec 14. Step 3
Dec 21. Step 4
Dec 28. Tradition 12
Jan 4 2026. Starts with Step 5